The second source I read was by 3 female authors Lauren Jones, Ellen Buckner, and Renee Miller who talk about thinness and eating disorders that are being caused. In “Chronological Progression of Body Dissatisfaction and Drive for Thinness in Females 12 to 17 Years of Age”, the authors talk about the age in which girls strive to be thin. They discuss when females begin to have the body dissatisfaction and why. They explain eating disorders and what they believe causes them. They look at young active girls that are dancers. Self-image and body dissatisfaction as they discuss begins most noticeable at the age of 14 and carries through 15. When girls reach the age of 15 and 16 that is when the drive to be ultimately thin begins. The way that females look at themselves is harsh and sad that to be beautiful we think that means we need to be thin. After reading this source I’m most confused on why the author only talks about dancers why not all other types of athletic females? While reading this source I wonder what the authors mean when they talk about that the body dissatisfaction was widespread within the population. Is the drive for thin-ness becoming a nationwide thing? Should people be worried about all females aged from 14-16?
The third source that I am writing about is about a test that the two authors conducted on how playing with dolls makes girls want to be thin. In “The Effects of Playing with Thin Dolls on Body Image and Food Intake in Young Girls” ,they used little girls aged 6-10 and had them play with Legos, an averaged size doll and then a thin sized doll, after that they gave them all food. Some girls ate more than others depending on the doll they played with. The young girls were also given a questionnaire on body image. This source reflects upon body image on young girls after seeing something small and perfect like a fashion doll. After reading this source, I’m most confused by the choice of food that was given to the girls to taste test? What questions were given on the questionnaire?