How do fashion dolls affect girls’ and preteens’ self-image? I chose to research self-image on young girls. I am going to research if playing with fashion dolls affects how girls and preteens look at themselves. I also want to know the effect that these dolls have had on girls. I'm interested in this topic because the way fashion dolls such as Barbie look is not realistic to most girls. The manufacturers make these dolls look so fake and have all this makeup that I would not want my child to wear or look like these fashion dolls.
The first resource site that I chose to blog about is by Aurora Sherman, who is a professor in the department of School of Psychological Science at Oregon State University. "Playing with Barbie dolls could limit girls' career choices"describes a study that was conducted to see if playing with Barbie dolls limits young girls perspectives on the what jobs they could get when they are older. The girls that were chosen for the study were aged 4 to 7 years old. The study was done only with Barbies as to what I am researching is on the general idea of fashion dolls.They dressed the Barbie in two different outfits trying to see if that would differentiate what the young girls thought they could do as a job. One Barbie was in a dress as the other was a Dr. Barbie. Sherman’s information is very insightful and applicable to my topic that I've been researching. Sherman, in her article talks about how the little girls would play with three options ( two different Barbies and Mrs. potato head) for a few minutes and then were questioned on 10 different job occupations. Sherman writes that more information will be needed to help understand the whole concept of the effect that fashion dolls have on young girls.
After reading this article several questions arose for me:
- After reading the source I wonder why the author limited the study to just Barbie dolls?
- After reading this source I wonder why the author chose Mrs. Potato Head to compare and contrast whether Barbies limit career choices? To me it seems like Mrs. Potato head and Barbie are for different age ranges.
- After reading this article, I wonder what the implications would be if the girls that were chosen all came from different families and all the parents differentiated on the amount of money they make to expand the study and further the study?
Sherman, Aurora. “Playing with Barbie Dolls Could Limit Girls’ Career Choices, Study Shows.” Oregon State University, 5 March 2014. Web. 12 Oct 2014.